Organized by Redtory Culture and Art Organization and Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou, curated by Yaniv Shapira, the exhibition “Made in Israel” will be launched on June 1, 2016, at Hall 3, Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art, Guangzhou. The exhibition offers a different perspective regarding the growing influence of Chinese culture and civilization, which can be seen in the works of four contemporary Israeli artists; moreover, it examines the power of art and the individual as opposed to mass industrialization and mass marketing. Maya Attoun, Nir Harel, Hila Toony Navok and Irit Tamari react to the Chinese experience, with a personal and sensual outlook, bearing a spiritual-artistic interpretation. The exhibition will last until July 24.
2016年6月1日,由雅尼夫·沙比拉(Yaniv Shapira)策划、红专厂文化艺术机构与以色列驻广州总领事馆共同主办的“以色列制造”展览,在广州红专厂当代艺术馆(RMCA)3号馆开幕。此次展览是双方的第三年合作,第一年为艾哈龙·格罗斯卡(Aharon Gluska)个展“故园”,第二年为阿薇塔·迦南倪(Avital Cnaani)个展“黑鸟”,今年是四位以色列当代艺术家群展。
中华文明对西方各个领域特别是在全球化、知识交流和商业关系等方面产生了深远的影响。过去的几十年间,中国已在世界各地刻下了“中国制造”这一标志性的烙印。本次展览将呈现四位以色列当代艺术家的创作,作品从不同角度诠释艺术家所感知的“中国制造”。玛雅·艾桐(Maya Attoun)、尼尔·哈雷尔(Nir Harel)、希拉托尼·纳科(Hila Toony Navok)和唐玛丽(Irit Tamari)以个性化和感性的作品表述他们在中国的经历,并承载各自的艺术精神。本次展览旨在相对于大规模的工业化和大众营销探讨艺术和个体的力量。